Leveraging Product-Service Systems by Implementing Service Oriented Architecture
Becker Jörg, Knackstedt Ralf, Matzner Martin, Pöppelbuß Jens
The efficient provision of integrated product-service bundles requires thecooperating partners' information systems (IS) to be able to exchangeproduction and customer master data. We reply to this problem by presentinga service-oriented architecture (SOA) based approach for connectingpartners within product-service systems (PSS). The research questionaddressed in this paper is: Which are the distinctive information flows requiredto integrate production and service processes and how can theseinformation flows be supported by the implementation of a SOA? We answerthis question by providing a set of services that describe and explainthe information flows between production and service processes in thecase of the corrective maintenance process in machinery industry. Subsequently,we present the machine record concept which implements andthereby evaluates the provided services and information flows.