Reorganizing Public Administrations - How to manage Process Oriented eGovernment Projects
Becker J, Algermissen L, Delfmann P, Falk T, Niehaves B
The application of procedure models in project planning has evolved into a well-established tool not only in the field of software development but also regarding organizational design. Depending on the domain where such procedure models are applied, they have to be specified in detail and adapted to the business context. A common task in eGovernment projects for example is the selection of business processes for reorganization. A special characteristic in this domain is the existence of more than 1000 core processes. Hence it makes sense to use a structured procedure model for the pre-selection of processes for reorganization. Therefore this article provides such a procedure model and its application in a local government reorganization project located in the northern German region “Muensterland”. An empirical study was conducted in all 70 local governments in Muensterland. The results show the need for reorganization from an internal perspective and the potential for reorganization of about 50 citizen services from an external perspective. These services with reorganization potential were then analyzed with the help of the presented procedure model. The goal of our article is to present the theoretical background of the procedure model and how to apply it in concrete practical projects.
eGovernment; Process Management; Re-engineering; Empirical Study